Search Engine Optimization

Your Trusted Partner for SEO Services!

At The Realtor's Concierge, we understand the unique challenges of the real estate market. Our Search Engine Optimization (SEO) services are designed to help your business stand out online, attracting more clients and closing more deals.

What is SEO ?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of improving your website’s visibility on search engines like Google. When people search for real estate services online, SEO helps ensure that your website appears at the top of the results, making it easier for potential clients to find you.

Best Price

Flat Rate Pricing

SEO Packages


per Month


No. of Keywords - 15

Backlinks Per Month - 100

Google Business Profile Review & Analysis

Competitor Analysis

Keyword Research & Analysis

Citation Audit Report

Location Optimized – 3

Google Business Profile – Setup

Citation Management

Local Business/Directory Listing – 15

Off-Page Optimization Activities

Blog Posting – 1

Profile Creation – 1

Classified Submission – 2

Google Business Profile

GBP Updates – 20

GBP Posting – 20

Monthly Keyword Ranking Report


per Month


No. of Keywords - 20

Backlinks Per Month - 300

Website Review & Analysis

Website Optimization

Competitor Analysis

Keyword Research & Analysis

Keywords Initial Ranking

Duplicate Content Check

On-Site Optimization Activities

Title Tag Optimization
META Tags Optimization
Website Canonical Check
Heading Tags Optimization
Image Alt Tags Optimization
Content Optimization
SEO Friendly URL Setup
Site Navigation Analysis
404 Page Implementation
Broken Links Check
Website Speed Check
Google Indexed Pages Check
Google XML Sitemap
Robots.txt Creation
Setup HTML Sitemap
Google Analytics Setup
Google Webmasters Tool Setup
Structured Data Setup
On Site Blog Section Creation
Setup of Website HTML Sitemap
Keyword Mapping To Target Pages
Initial External Link Analysis
Internal linking Restructuring & Optimization
Meta Robots Tags
Twitter Tags Email id Clickable
Phone Number Clickable
Google Analytics traffic analysis
Google Business Profile optimization

Off Page Optimization and Link Building

Search Engine Submission (One Time Task) – 20

Article Writing – 2

Article Posting – 2

Article Bookmarking – 20

Classified Submissions – 10

Blog Writing – 2

Blog Posting – 2

Blog Bookmarking – 20

Business Listing – 15

On page Blog [From 3rd month] – 2

On-Page Blog Bookmarking [From 3rd month] – 20

Image sharing – 20

PPT Submissions – 2 (Provided by Client)

Social Bookmarking – 20

PDF Sharing – 2 (Provided by Client)

Quora Posting/Answering – 4

Monthly Keyword Ranking Report

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